Six Thinking Hats

Part 1

White Hat

White Hat (Facts and Information): Focuses on data, facts, and information aviable. It encourages gathering and analyzing relevant information without judgement.

Red Hat

Red Hat (Feelings and Emotions): Allows individuals to express their feelings, intuitions, and emotional responses regarding the issue at hand. It values subjective input.

Black Hat

Black Hat (Caution and Criticism): Represents critical thinking and caution. This hat highlights potential problems, risks, and downsides associated with a decision or idea.

Yellow Hat

Yellow Hat (Optimism and Benefits): Focuses on the positive aspects and potential benefits of a decision or idea. It encourages optimistic thinking and exploring opportunities.

Green Hat

Green Hat (Creativity and Alternatives): Represents creativity and new ideas. This hat encourages brainstorming, exploring alternatives, and thinking outside the box.

Blue Hat

Blue Hat (Process Control): Oversees the thinking process. It helps manage the discussion, set agendas, and ensure that all hats ared appropriately during the problem-solving process.

Part 2


The person I discussed is with my girlfriend. I chose her because she is a creative person who also admires art and brainstorming. I thought showing her the Six Thinking Hats method would help educate her and help me understand each hat better as I explain them to her. I came up with a few questions, such as: what is the meaning behind the colors, how are they related, and does the order of the hats matter?

Red often correlates with emotions like anger, love, and joy, so it makes sense that the red hat represents emotion, as red is associated with many feelings. Black is seen as a negative force, often linked to death, mourning, and darkness, which is why people are often cautious with the color black. Yellow represents optimism, so it aligns with the meaning of the yellow hat. Green symbolizes growth and freshness, indicating the promotion of new ideas. Blue is associated with open spaces, freedom, and imagination, which fits the blue hat's focus on managing the thinking process and looking back at the other hats. However, my girlfriend and I struggled to find a connection between the white hat, which represents facts and purity.

She also asked if the order matters, and I found out that it doesn't. Users can apply the Six Thinking Hats method in whichever order seems most suitable for them.

My Thoughts

After reviewing the Six Thinking Hats method, it made me reconsider my thinking process to ensure my website isn’t missing any important elements. I can always revisit the method and use it to improve my approach. I think the hat I will definitely struggle with is the green hat, due to the constant flow of different ideas.